May 25, 2024
SHOW THEME: 1946-1955
Any model entry across any of the contest categories may be considered for the special, show theme award. The entry must be, in some way, directly related to the decade of 1946-1955. The model entry is still eligible for an award within its respective contest category as well.
The registration form should be completed by each individual entering models into the contest. An entry form should be completed for each individual model being entered into the contest. Completing these forms in advance and bringing them with you to the show will help to expedite check-in the day of the contest.
Registration: 9 AM - 1 PM Raffle draw at 1:30 PM Judging: 1 PM - 3PM Awards: 3:30 PM Judging: Completed based on IPMS standards. |
General Admission Fee: $5.00
(free general admission for under 18 years of age) Contest Entry Fees: $10.00 for first three models entered, $1.00 for each additional model entered (free contest entry for under 18 years of age) Raffle Tickets: $1.00 each Vendors: $20.00 per table (6' x 2') if paid on or before April 25, 2024 $25.00 per table (6' x 2') if paid after April 25, 2024 |
For further information regarding the show, contact:
General info: Michael Polin ([email protected])
Vendor info: Johnny Galza ([email protected])